Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday!

Dear Matthew,

Today is your Birthday! Six years ago you came into our lives at 3am in the morning. You were stubborn from the day you were born. I remember the nurse trying to get you to open your eyes to take a picture and you refusing to do so. She even sprinkled your face with water to see if you would cooperate. Let’s say in your first baby picture, you had your eyes closed.

In Matthew fashion, you came into our room this morning and said to me, “Don’t you have something to say to me?” Yes, my love, Happy Birthday. You are not shy about telling people what you want, which makes me so happy because I know that you will stand up for yourself.

Your sense of fairness is growing each passing day. When you feel that you have been wronged or cheated in anything, you speak up and plead your case. Just this morning you and your brother were playing slap jack and there was a question as to who had a slap jack. You were insistent that it was you and Michael said he had the slap jack. When I said it was Michael, you were so upset because you truly felt that you were the winner and that we were cheating you. No amount of convincing from us could change your mind. I hope you continue to fight for what you think you deserve as the years go by because if you don’t, no one will.

You have celebrated some big milestones this year. You’ve graduated Kindergarten. You’ve started to take the bus to school this year. You’ve started playing soccer. You are doing things that big boys do. While I miss you as a baby and every time I watch videos from your babyhood, I am so excited to experience the man that you will become. I have my thoughts about what you should become, but I will keep these to myself and let you determine the person that you are.

But I do have some hopes. After all, I did give you life. I hope that you will grow up to be compassionate and kind. I hope you grow to be strong to stand up for yourself and your brothers. I hope you grow up to be self confident and prove those who doubt you wrong. Most importantly, I hope that you always know how much mommy and daddy love you and how much joy and richness you’ve brought into our lives. Happy Birthday, my little Mattikins. We love you.

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