Friday, June 21, 2019

Long Week

Well, Mark had a rough start this week, but it got better for him. Sunday night, he started feeling well and I just assumed it was because he was tired. He had complained of a sore throat earlier during the evening, again I didn't think too much of it. He had a bit of a fever so I gave him some Motrin and put him to bed. He woke up the next morning and was ready to go, but he felt a little warm and complained that his throat was really sore. I gave him some Motrin and got him ready for his first tennis lesson. He did so well during tennis and he looked like he was having a great time.

After we got back from tennis, I had to take Michael to the dentist for his cleaning. Lupe was her cleaning crew was coming over to clean so we went out to lunch so we were not in their way. When we got home, Mark swam and played outside for a little bit. During dinner, he said he couldn't eat because his throat was hurting too badly. I looked in his mouth and saw that he had red spots on the roof of his mouth. I googled it and found that it was usually a symptom of strep that. Then it all came together for me. Duh! The sore throat, the fever and now the red spots. So, I took him to urgent care. He tested negative for strep throat, but the doctor said it was probably a false negative since he had all the symptoms (swollen lymph nodes, fever, etc.). She prescribed antibiotics.

He looked miserable while we waited for the doctor.

The next morning, he seemed excited to go to tennis lesson and had not had a fever, so I took him. He had a great time. After his lesson, he wanted to go get some tennis balls to practice hitting so we took a quick trip over to Academy to get him some balls. Then we practiced hitting for a little bit before I went to workout. Then we swam. I even got into the pool!

That night, he complained that his palms and the bottom of his feet were itchy and sore. I looked and there were little tiny red bumps on them. They looked like ant bites, but he swore that they were not. He had a hard night trying to go to sleep. He finally fell asleep after I gave him some Benadryl, but woke up again in the middle of the night because we had another loud thunderstorm.

Needless to day, the next morning he did not want to go to tennis. All the issues and the illness that he was having all week finally caught up with him and he had a major meltdown. So, I relented and we skipped tennis. We just hung out at the house. I got caught up on some chores then we went over to my friend Kristy's house to swim before we had to be back home for his piano lesson.

By Thursday, he was back to his normal self and felt ready to go back to tennis. It was prize day! He was surprised because he thought he missed it. I signed up to volunteer at Feed Our Kids today with Michael and Matthew so my friend sent her nanny over to come pick up Mark so he can play with her kiddos at Urban Air while I did that with the older boys.

Matthew wasn't feeling well, so he ended up not coming to Feed the Kids with us, but Michael enjoyed working this one. He had his buddies with him and they were being so funny. I loved eavesdropping on their conversations.

After dinner and after I dropped Michael off at his soccer practice, mark and I met Thanda and her kiddos to check out this sno cone stand in our little town. It's been trending on FB so we decided we need to try. It was a perfect night for snow cones.

We let them play until I had to go and pick Michael from practice. Look how much bigger Michael is than Mark...

M was away again this whole week so I'm so happy he will be home today. Then next Tuesday, we will be headed to California!

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