Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Last Week of School

This has been one of the busiest week in a very long time. With the half-days and the different exam schedules for the older two boys, I was very lucky to keep it together.

The kids had Memorial Day off so we all went out to lunch at Central Market. Matthew was the only one willing to take a picture with me.

Then we were off to the Apple store to get Michael's phone fixed. His screened was cracked all over the place and he was complaining about how it takes forever for it to charge. We took it in and came out with a replacement phone. Then we had to go to the Sprint store to get it reactivated.

While we were waiting to get his phone activated, Michael was so sweet to his little brother. He kept hugging Mark and pinching his cheeks. I think it was because he was in a good mood about getting a new phone, but still, it was nice to see him show affection to his little brother.

Tuesday was back to school. Matthew had a couple of exams in the morning and texted me to pick him up since the rest of the day was just going to the rest of his classes for 30 minutes. Other kids had the same idea because when I went to pick him up, the lobby was full of kids waiting to be picked up by their parents. We stopped by Trader Joe's and picked up some groceries.

I also picked up these beautiful peonies and hydrangeas.

We ended up at the Shake Shack for lunch. Matthew said the fries there reminded him of my parents donut shop fries.

Wednesday was pretty exciting. Mark had his end of year party. It was chaos as always, but the fun kind of chaos. They all looked so good in their tie-dyed shirts!

I love the look on Ryleigh's face. She seemed pretty annoyed with Mark here.

Our 1st graders "peacing out!"

After the party, I took Mark with me and we went to pick up Matthew. We went to lunch at Kincaid's.

Then more excitement - I got a tornado warning on my phone and it said to "TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY!" Then I got texts, emails, voicemail for both the city and the school district. So I told the boys to hurry up and finish their food so we can get home.

I called Michael to pack it up from having lunch with his friend and get home. He told me that I was freaking out for no reason and that he will go home after he and his buddies are done eating. Then I got a panicked call from his friend's mom so I call him every 5 minutes to urge him to come home. I was so relieved to see him walk through he front door that day.

For good measure, I made them all go into out pantry. They thought I was being ridiculous. Luckily, we didn't have a tornado touch down, but it sure was close! I found out the next day that there were 3 little funnel clouds surrounding our little town.

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