Thursday, May 23, 2019

Fairytale Ball 2019

And the events just keep on coming! How many things can we pack in the last 2 weeks of May? I love all these events and the kids have so much fun, but can we just spread them out a little bit. Maybe? Please?

Yesterday, Mark had his Fairytale Ball. It was cute. They got to perform a fairytale with their classmates in the music room. I have no idea what the fairytale was and can barely hear what the kids were saying, but they were so proud and worked so hard on it. The effort was there and I love their effort.

Then we went back to his classroom sohe can read us the fairytale that he wrote. Mark's fairytale is titled "The Genius of Beijing."

Here's the cover of his book.

And the "Meet the Author" page. I love this so much. I guess he really likes soccer!

My little baby.

Matthew came with me this morning because M was out of town and I didn't have anyone to take him to school. I dropped him off at his school a little later that morning. I know that he really didn't want to be there, but Mark was really happy to see his brother.

We also got a binder of some of the things he worked on throughout the year. What a great idea for the teachers to put these binders together. I don't keep much of what he brings home from school, so this binder is a great keepsake. 

This one made me laugh. I guess the happiest day of your life SHOULD be the day you were born.

He also received his award for the year for Knowledge and Learning. I'm not really quite sure what that means, but I think it's for having a lot of information about a lot of things and wanting to learn about everything. That's how she described him when we had our parent/teacher conference. 

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