Monday, May 20, 2019

It Went By Like a Blur....

So technically, the boys have 7 days of school left and within those 7 days-there are so many activities crammed there that it's going to feel like 2 days of school left. Seriously, how did we get here?!

Last week was a bit of a blur to me. On top of school activities, I've also been busy with SWC. I will be serving on the board again as Communications Chair. It's not one of the bigger roles, but that suits me just find. I feel like being on the board last year made it so much more fun to be in the club. Plus, I really do enjoy keeping company with the other ladies on the board even it if means reminding them a million times to send in their committee updates for the newsletter.

We had another great fashion show this year. I didn't model again, but am considering coming out of retirement. Haha..I did miss modeling. But, it was nice to sit down and enjoy the last luncheon instead of stressing about quick outfit changes backstage.

We also had our last board meeting of the year at Kirby's. It was a chance to say goodbye to everyone before going our separate ways for the summer.

I have been working on the 8th Grade Celebration with 3 other ladies on the Dawson PTSO. To say I'm relieved that the event is over and we pulled it off is an understatement. After a couple of months of planning, we were able to give our 8th graders a fantastic event with a mechanical bull, surf machine, dancing and dinner from a food truck. The kids seemed to enjoy themselves and the teachers didn't have to deal with any catastrophes. We were hoping for 150 8th grader to show up and ended up with over 220! Matthew was among them and it seemed to me that he had a great time as well. I was surprised to see how easily it was for him to move from one group of friends to another.

My friends and I went and did something that was out of my comfort zone - we went shooting at the shooting range. Yes, shooting with real guns. I have never in my life seen a real gun much less fire one. I was so nervous that I was shaking at first. It was definitely an eye-opening experience. It taught me that if I owned a gun, the chances of it being turned on me is much greater than me shooting an intruder.

I did enjoy the target shooting and it was a great experience because my friend Kristy knew exactly what to do and did a great job coaching us and making sure we knew the rules. I would definitely do this again.

And we let Mark swim last week. He's been begging for weeks to let him get into the pool but I've been telling him that it's too cold. I finally relented and he happily went swimming this weekend.

Last night, Matthew had his first YMSL meeting with his class. He's not much of a talker but it seems to be open to it than Michael. He said the meeting went well. My friend Heather was there - she's on the Boys Committee (they help the boys put on the meetings). She wanted to know if it got better. Haha. Apparently, the boys were pretty wild. I told her it will get worse before it gets better so buckle up, Buttercup!

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