Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Seacrest Beach

Our last trip of the summer was Seacrest Beach. We had such a good time in Rosemary Beach last year, we decided to come back to this area. It's so laid back and just a great road trip. The boys love exploring on their bikes and I love being able to give them a little freedom in an area I feel comfortable doing so.

Our days were pretty much the same, except for Wednesday. It was eat, beach, sleep, repeat. We had a couple of storms blow in during the evenings, but for the most part, the weather was great. The water was warm and clear most days.

By chance, we were there the same time as my good friend Kim and her family. Kim had just moved to Houston (sad face) so we decided since we were there the same time, let's just hang out together. Plus, her beach access was better than ours so we set camp next to each other everyday we were at the beach.

This worked out great because Mark loves playing with Reagan and Ryan. He had so much fun in the water. He was way more confident and braver than last year in the ocean. The last day we were there, the waves were very strong that it made me nervous for him to be in the water, but he loved it!

Since it was a pretty long drive, we stopped over in Jackson, MI Friday night. The next morning, we had breakfast at this cute little pharmacy-turned-diner.

Then we were off to the beach! This boy was a huge fan of boogie boarding. Him and Daddy loved being in the water the most.

We had pretty good storms during the evening hours which was fine by me because we were done with the beach and the storm kept it cooler for us.

Handsome boys! The older two brought a friend along. I don't think we will ever go on a road trip with our a friend ever again!

These two are such good friends.

M and I let the older boys babysit the little guy and went to George's for a date night. The restaurant was literally 2 blocks away, but M refused to walk so we drove here.

On Wednesday, we rented a pontoon boat with Kim's family and set out for Shell Island. This was our favorite part of the trip.

The crew! Michael got to drive a little bit. Ted was explaining to the kids that the captain holds a lot of power on a boat. One of them was to be able to marry a couple. Kim said perfect, Reagan and Mark can be married. To this, Mark said, "No thanks. I have other plans."

The cute couple!

When we got to Shell Island, the boys took off and went exploring. They found all sorts of great sea life - clams, scallops, crabs, and hermit crabs. They snorkeled and swam the whole time we were there.

Shell Island is a narrow strip of an island. We docked our boat at the thinnest part of the island so we were able to walk to the other side to get to the gulf. It was so pretty. The sand soft and white and the water was turquoise blue that day.

These 4 boys never stopped exploring!

After the boat trip, we stopped in Panama City Beach for dinner. I won't ever complain about a dinner with an ocean view!

By our last two days, the boys were pretty much beached out, but these two were not. I love this picture so much! This was there last day together for a while.

This was his last ice cream sundae at the beach and he was happy with his purchase.

We got up bright and early Saturday morning to head back home. So long 30A! We will see you next summer.

 But, on our stop in Monroe for the night, this little guy lost his third tooth.

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