Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Summer In One Post

Oh my goodness - summer is just slipping away over here. No vacations, no sports, and not much going but I'm still sad that it's almost over. The boys will start school next week and I find myself unprepared. I need to get my act together! 

Michael got his first car this summer. That was pretty exciting!

Michael has been slowly getting this college applications together. Lots of milestones for him with regards to that. He has not been able to take his SAT yet because of all the cancellations, but we are keeping our fingers crossed that he can take it in a couple of weeks. We will be traveling to Texas A&M in Commerce to take it because the local locations are either filled or cancelled. He's been taking SAT prep courses in preparation of the October test date.

We've submitted his application to the University of Arkansas and Oklahoma State University and we hope to be able to submit his SAT score after the October test date. There are several other things he will need to do to submit the other applications. I was really excited for him to take this journey, but it has been a beating and nothing like what I imagined. There's been a lot of prodding and nagging on my part and a lot of "I'll do it later?" on his part. 

We were able to take a quick road trip to the University of Arkansas. He drove some...

Can't tour a campus on an empty stomach!

It's actually a very pretty campus and I liked it more than I thought I would. He liked it too, but he says his first choice for now is OU. Well, my love, you better get cracking on those applications.

He started work at McDonalds last month and quit a few weeks into it because he didn't want to drive the 20 minutes and from work. 

This was him after his first day of work. He looked like he had been working hard. Of course, I had to sneak a picture. Haha!

Here's his first paycheck. Poor guy had a difficult time trying to figure out how to open it.

After McDonald's, he got another job monitoring a neighborhood pool 5 minutes away so hopefully he can do that the rest of the summer. 

It's been a tough summer with him, but we are getting through it. I'm usually pretty upbeat on my posts but I have to keep this one real, he has not been the golden child this summer. He has made some horrible choices this past couple of months. People tell me that one day, it will click and boys will grow up. I pray that this day will come soon.

Matthew got his learner's permit last week but we have not taken him out driving yet. 

We celebrated with breakfast.

He has 10 months until he can get his license so we are not in a big hurry. He's been playing a lot of Xbox and staying up later than he should, but we will let him enjoy the last few days of summer until he starts school again.

All we do around here is swim! We've used our pool more this year than the past 4 years combined! This boy loves it. In the past summers we've been gone so much that we really didn't get to use our pool very much.

Mark loves to swim with us and I'm taking advantage of the fact that he still wants to be with us! 

One cool thing before I wrap it up - we were able to see the Neowise comet this summer. Mark was super excited about it because this will be the only chance in our lifetime to see it. I thought it was pretty cool as well. 

He loves all things space and this summer was filled with exciting space stuff. We watch the launch of SpaceX and we were able to see the International Space Station a couple of times this summer. 

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