Wednesday, March 27, 2019

(Bitter)Sweet 16 - I Love You Big Monkey

My oldest just turned 16 yesterday. How is it that it's been 16 years? I am excited to see him grow and but I am more sad that he is no longer little boy. I look back at pictures and can't help but miss him as a little boy. I miss being with my little boy so much. I miss the thumping of little feet as he runs into our room in the middle of the night and sneaks into bed with us. I miss his easy laughter and his cuddles. I miss holding his little hands. I miss his silliness.

As I look back and my heart breaks for all the things I miss, but at the same time, I know that there are big milestones to look forward to. He's got so much life to live still and I pray every single day that he will live that life the best he can. There are so many things waiting for him - driving, graduation, college, falling in love, getting his heart broken, falling in love again. All these things that make life exciting and scary. Though it all, I hope that he knows he's got the unconditional love of his mom and family.

But for now, we will celebrate this milestone. We will celebrate him on his 16th birthday even when he says that he doesn't care to make a big deal out of it. He is the one who made me a mom and despite his objections to making a big deal of this milestone, I hope he has a story to tell his kids. I hope he says,  "I remember my mom had a banner made for me and hung it for everyone in our neighborhood to see on my 16th birthday when I told her not to."

Happy Sweet 16 to my Big Monkey!

His Texas cousins came to help him celebrate.

Sparklers! I didn't know what to expect from these, but it was pretty cool.

Messy hair, don't care because I'm 16!!

 I wish there was a better picture of me with him and M, but whatever - they look good.

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