Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Here and There...

For all 4 of you readers out there, you've probably noticed that I haven't posted in a while.  I'll be honest.  I haven't posted because I haven't really felt like it and not for the lack of materials.  I'm in a transitional stage and I haven't been able to bring myself to write about it.  I'm still unemployed, but am trying really hard to take advantage of the "free time." That means being able to attend field trips with Michael's 1st grade class and volunteering to help out with class parties.  I enjoy being able to take the kids out to the park in the middle of the afternoon and I love being able to pick them up from school instead of sending them to after school care.

Like anything else, there are always advantages and disadvantages to a certain lifestyle. I like my life the way it is now, but I miss the way my life was when I was in TX too. I miss having a job, but I don't miss the morning rush to drop off the kids at school/daycare in time to make an 8am meeting. I miss my beautiful home in TX and our wonderful neighbors. But I like having my family around to depend on in CA.  I like being able to have my parents babysit when M and I go out to dinner or just leaving them with my mom when I need to make a quick run to the grocery store.

The kids seem to have adjusted pretty well.  Michael is enjoying his new school and he's doing very well. I had a parent/teacher conference with Mrs. H on Monday and she is very happy with his progress and said that he has adjusted very well. Again, like every conference I've had for him, she says that he just needs to pay attention and follow directions. No surprise there.

Matthew loves his new preschool. He only goes 3 days a week, but he has told me he wants to go everyday.  I take that as a good sign. M is going well at work.  Aside from having to travel every week, he enjoys it. Of course, he never has problems adjusting to anything.  So that just leaves me with the adjustment issues. All I can say is that I am a work in progress.

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