Friday, June 14, 2019

Happy Friday

We've had such a great week. M comes home from traveling all week this week and we've got some celebrating to do this weekend. Matthew's birthday is Saturday and Father's Day on Sunday! Linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea again this week.

My middle turns FOURTEEN this Saturday. We will be celebrating tonight with dinner at a restaurant of his choice and cake at home with the g-parents. This picture was taken about 3 weeks ago. We were the same height. Sometime between now and then, he got taller than me. Love him so much. He tells me he loves me at least 4 times a day.

The weather was my favorite this week. I can't get over how nice it has been. Mark tried to swim yesterday and the day before but after about 15 minutes, he got out of the pool and said it was getting too cold. Haha! Too cold to swim in Texas in the middle of June? Crazy. I'm not complaining though because I love it!

Summer school ends today for Michael. Not that it is taxing on me. It's just that it's another trip I don't have to make. I feel like I've been busier driving all over town this week then during the school year.

VBS. Mark has been going to WC VBS for the past couple of years and he's had so much fun. My friends Trish and Tonda are the guides for Mark's group and they are just angels. I can't manage these rowdy kids, but they do and they do it with so much laughter and enthusiasm.

My gardenias! This gardenia plant has died at least 3 times or so I thought. Every summer it gets all brown and the leaves burn because it gets so hot here. Every winter it gets wilted and the leaves drop because it gets freezing cold. But every Spring, it comes back. Not full blown bush, but it gets new leaves and turns green again. However, it has not flowered since the first year I planted it. A few weeks ago, it got it's fist bloom! Now it has quite a few more blooms and smells heavenly! It still looks straggly, but blooming.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend of celebrating those awesome Daddies!

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