Thursday, January 15, 2015

What We Did - Week 2

Yes, there is no week one post, but with getting over the illnesses and trying to get back into our routine has been our priority.  I think we've got it down now. But the pictures for this week are not great.  I didn't take many.  I will do better....

Day 8 - Thur.
On this day, both Mark and I got super sick with some sort of stomach bug and couldn't eat or drink anything without getting sick.  We did nothing rest and sleep.

Day 9 - Fri.
We recovered on Friday, but stayed home and rested.

Day 10 - Sat.
Mark had 2 birthday parties to go to.  The first was a "Frozen" party for Reagan and then we went directly to Davis' party.  So fun, but I was pooped out by the time we got home.  The boys played with friends all day.

Day 11 - Sun.
I finally felt well enough to go work out again. Yay!

Day 12 - Mon.
Mark had a playdate with some friends at White Chapel's indoor playground.  I didn't take any pictures, of course.

Day 13 - Tue.
Another playdate at Chuck E Cheese's.  Mark was so excited to play all the games.  He didn't quite know what to do at first, but once he discovered tokens and tickets, he was all over the place.  SO fun to watch!  He even danced with CEC himself.

Day 14 - Wed.
I dropped Mark off at the Gs and went to work at the Spirit Shop.  It was nice to catch up with my Spirit Shop ladies.

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