The weather has been very nice these past few weeks so we took advantage and stayed outside most of the weekend. Our pool is again swimmable after we added another pump for the Polaris so the boys swam for a little bit on Sunday.
We had 3 soccer games on Saturday and it was a little painful. Michael lost both of his games and Matthew’s team tied 0-0.
His last Odyssey game will be next weekend at a tournament we signed him up for. I hope we are making the right choice to move him to Solar. It can’t possibly be any worse for him. I just can’t stand how unfairly he is being treated by the person who is supposed to help him develop his skills. I would rather have him play for an OK team and be treated with respect then leave him a winning team and be treated like crap.
We didn’t do much on Sunday. I went grocery shopping and took the boys to buy some Pokemon cards at Target. I love to hear their reaction when they open up the packs and see what they got. There’s always a discussion between them whether a card is valuable or not.
We put up the swing for Mark on the swing set. He’s still a little small for it, but Michael loves to push him. He’s such a good big brother. He was very gentle about the whole thing and was very attentive to make sure Mark does not fall off.
Lots of things going on this week. Michael has his class fieldtrip to the zoo tomorrow that I’ve volunteered to chaperone. Matthew has this 2nd grade musical on Thursday. Mark has his 6-month check-up on the same day, and of course, there are the usual soccer practices and such. Phew..I’m tired just thinking about it.
Hanging out and playing some iPad
Love that expression on his face. So CHUBBY...
Watching TV on Mamma's bed
Not sure if he likes the swing
Michael likes his swing